A person in a military uniform hugging a smiling child in front of an American flag backdrop.

Veteran Employment

Honoring our military, veterans and their families.

Revival Home Health Agency recognizes the unique skills gained by those who served in the military and we want to support veteran employment in any way we can. We are dedicated to providing employment opportunities and support for military personnel and their families during and after their service.

“We honor veterans, is not just a slogan. To honor our veterans, we must take action and one of those actions would be to hire a veteran. As a Navy veteran myself, I took an oath which is still a part of me all these years later, and for many veterans, it is the same. What does a veteran bring to the table? Selfless service, the idea of putting others before themselves. Teamwork, veterans know the importance of teamwork, like the belief “no man left behind.” Honesty, most veterans have lived by a code of ethics and moral principles, building trust through honesty. Loyalty, veterans develop this trait in trusting their chain of command with this feeling of allegiance to a common goal. Leadership, veterans learn various forms of leadership with each role throughout their military service.”
-Keith, Director, Navy veteran

“As a US Army veteran who has been in the medical profession for most of my life, including in the military, I can say with conviction that hiring and recruiting military veterans into the healthcare field is a huge opportunity for veterans as well as for the company. Veterans are trained to be detail-oriented, goal-oriented, and to focus on a task until it is completed properly. Most veterans have a strong work ethic. Many of them went into the military because they wanted to make a difference in the world and help others, this mentality crosses over into the healthcare field quite well. Everyone benefits when veterans are targeted for employment. The veteran gets a good job and the company will more than likely get a great employee!”
-Adam, Supervisor, Army veteran


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Military Members and Veterans

“Forty-six years have passed since I was discharged from the Army. During those years, Revival Home Health is the only company, for which I have worked, that took the time to say thank you for serving in the military. That means a lot to me. The simplicity and sincerity of the expressions of gratitude our company has shown our vets resonate strongly with me. Vets in our company continue their service to our country, alongside tens of thousands of others, who are dedicated and deserving of our respect, support and recognition.”
-Bill C., Army veteran

Military Spouses and Family

“I found a lot of pride in supporting my husband through his service with the Air Force. However, in doing so, I feared that I would have to put my career on hold because there wouldn’t be a way for me to grow professionally with an organization if we had to move across states every few years. Since Revival Home Health provides employment opportunities and transfer options to military spouses, it would have given me the opportunity to support my dreams while also supporting my family and the military. I’m so glad I joined Revival Home Health and wish I had joined sooner.”

-Jessica, former Air Force spouse

Transfer Options Nationwide

“I was in the Army for almost 10 years and extremely apprehensive about the change from military to civilian. The most difficult part was hunting for a job. I lived in North Carolina but wanted to move back to my home state of Washington. I applied at countless jobs, but companies would not let me do a video/phone interview. I began applying for positions in North Carolina. I interviewed with Revival Home Health and accepted the job. On my first day, my boss heard I was from Washington. She mentioned that they had an open position in Washington and asked if I wanted to take it. I accepted and moved back home. I firmly believe everything happens for a reason and couldn’t be happier with my experience! This is such an amazing company!”

-Matthew, Army veteran

Veteran Networking and Camaraderie

“As a veteran continuing my career, I am actively engaged with a diverse workforce of people who have shared their connections with veterans in the workplace and in their personal lives. The fact that Revival Home Health supports and embraces actions to support our military, including active duty as well as veterans, emboldens me to celebrate the fact that Revival Home Health is committed to inclusion of a diverse workforce.”

-Bill T., Navy veteran


Veterans Affinity Group

Our VETS Affinity Group is an employee resource group open to all employees which fosters inclusion and support for its members. This is a platform that allows employees to network, volunteer for community service activities, and develop professionally in their career. The group also focuses on providing resources, and most importantly, recognizing the veteran and military family members we have on our team.