Therapy Services
Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy
Our approach is centered around the belief that everyone has the potential to achieve their highest level of communication, mobility, and independence. Our team of dedicated professionals takes a holistic and individualized approach, ensuring that each therapy plan is tailored to the unique needs and goals of our clients. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life and empowering our clients to thrive.
Physical Therapy Services
- Pain Management
- Post Surgery Care
- Pre Surgery Care
- Education and Training in the use of Assistive Devices
- Orthopedics
- Pediatrics
- Body Mechanics
- Exercise Programs
- Improving Range Of Motion
- Muscle Re-Education
- Regaining Mobility
- Relearning Daily Living Skills And Self-Care Skills
- Strength Training
Occupational Therapy
- Health Assessment
- Body Mechanics
- Basic Skills Evaluation
- Basic Level Skills Education and Training
- Device Assistance Training
- Pain Management
- Exercise Programs
- Therapeutic Programs
- Strength Enhancement
- Balance Restoration
- Sensory Functions Restoration
- Energy Conservation and Management
- Muscle Control Restoration and Enhancement
- Mobility Enhancement
Speech Therapy Services
- Adaptive Speech Devices
- Aural (Hearing) Rehabilitation
- Non-oral Communication
- Home Speech and Language Exercise Program
- Patient Education
- Communication Options/Alternatives
- Eating and Swallowing Strategies
- Speech Articulation Exercise
- Aural Rehabilitation
- Cognitive Skills Evaluation
- Comprehension Skills Assessment
- Sensory Skills Assessment